Two-fold mixed betting method
Two-fold mixed betting method
In our last posting, we gave you an overview of the prototype betting techniques. From now on, I will explain in more detail how each betting technique can be applied in practice.
The single-tongue betting method…Target stable and long-term returns
The single-tongue betting method literally means a single-tongue betting regardless of the number of folders (the number of games) as if digging a well. There are two-folders basic, two-fold mixed, and multiple-folders high dividend.
The two-folder betting method (basic) is the most basic prototype betting technique that minimizes the number of folders, often giving you the right feeling. So it’s not just a beginner, but also a long-term, reliable, long-term protoist. In particular, even if other combinations are added to maintain a constant sense of betting, this method is laid on the base of the betting.
In the case of a pro who is losing consecutively to a beginner who lacks skills, it is also a way to train steadily until the probability of hitting the ball exceeds 50 percent on a 10-time basis 토토사이트 based on a double of twofolders. 50 percent of the hit rate is break-even point to measure your skills based on this line.
Usually, beginners are likely to be less than 40%, mid-levels are around 50%, and acrobatics can be up to 60%. Therefore, if the probability of hit exceeds 50% it is likely to enter the application betting method.
Single-tongued betting method (1) Two-fold mixed type
Features: This is the most basic betting technique for betting on the minimum number of competitors in a domestic prototype, 2 prototype. However, it is a combination of low dividend plus high dividend or high dividend plus high dividend adventure association, unlike the basic type based on low dividend. High dividends usually refer to more than twice as much, and it covers a draw and a reverse dividend.
APPLICATION: For so-called ‘resting rounds’ with fewer matches, the single-chamber axis that is certain to win is only one game or none at all. Generally speaking, practice can be done to maintain a sense of betting, but high-probability masters can also use it as a ‘winner’.
Advantages: Two folders provide stability with fewer folders, and high dividends can be combined to make a high profit.
Shortcoming: High dividend combinations can increase yields but reduce hit probabilities.
RECOMMENDATION: Intermediate or higher, for practice.
Probability: The average two-game dividend rate is three times, 1.5 times the average low dividend and 2 times the average high dividend, so the break-even point is 34%. The probability of hit per game is 70% per low dividend and 50% per high dividend. 70%x50%=35%, at least one hit per 3rd.
Success or failure: By default, the axis must be accurate, and success or failure depends on the probability of a high dividend being hit. One combination hit rate must exceed 34% to make a profit.
Content: Choose and bet on a match that is likely to win in one inning and a match that is highly dividend but considered to be a winner. It’s somewhat adventurous, so there’s no reason for low dividends and no need to dwell on dividends.
● Based on the average 1.5 times the number of times that of Team 1 that is likely to have a single axis.
● Based on the average of twice as many times as the 1st team that is likely to win the reduction,
● Main price + I (10,000 won betting) → 1.5 times x 2 times 3 times (30,000 won for investment = 20,000 won for profit)
● 30,000 won on hit (300%)
● Failed 0 won (100%) 안전놀이터
# You don’t have to cling to dividends because you use it when you have fewer single points, but when you use it as a winning number, the combination of low dividends + high dividends is more stable than the high dividend adventure combination.
# It’s better to bet in small amounts because it’s not stable due to high dividends.